Getting Here

 I left Richmond early Thursday 8/26, flying to Dallas, then on to Sacramento.  The flights were mostly fine, but there seemed to be a lot of passengers  coughing and sneezing.  Masking was fortunately well-enforced by the flight attendants.  In the airports, though, there were many unmasked individuals seemingly daring anyone to say anything to them.

As we flew over South Lake Tahoe, smoke from the Dixie Fire as well as several smaller blazes obscured the ground completely.  I got several shots of the smoke plume over the biggest fire.

On arrival in Sacramento, I met up with three other long-term volunteers, and we were picked up by Steve Wiest, the MDS representative who is helping coordinate the projects in Paradise.  He is from the Fresno area, and gave us a lot of great background information about this part of California, about the local agriculture, and lots of other cool things.

We arrived at the MDS headquarters at around 4, and met the Project Director and Office Manager, Don and Rachel Horst.  The whole group went to a local restaurant that survived the fire, and had a great dinner.  Afterward we drove down the main road (called Skyway) and stopped at an overlook with a really impressive view of the canyon to the west of the plateau on which Paradise sits.  

Climbing out of DFW

A cool thunderstorm over New Mexico
Smoke plume from the Dixie Fire
Smoke over the Sierra Nevada
A cool sculpture at the Sacramento Airport baggage claim


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