Caldor Fire Destruction

 The large smoke plume I photographed several days ago was actually most likely from the Caldor Fire, which is in the news for threatening the Lake Tahoe area.  I have included a link to a damage map from the CalFire website.  Every red square is a house that has been destroyed.  I am sure there will be lots of work for MDS and other similar organizations for years to come, and that doesn't take into account any future fires.  With this much terrain scorched, there tends to be lots of flooding during the rainy winter months and the snowmelt in the spring.  One disaster often brings on many more.

Here is the link to the Caldor Fire Damage Map.  You can click on it to move it to other locations.

CalFire Damage Map


  1. Is there talk about how to build more fire proof houses? No grass, shrubs etc.? I'm curious if insurance companies disallow certain landscaping.

    1. I asked about that, and they said it helps for some fires, but for the really intense ones the house catches fire from the inside from the heat around it. They can tell when the windows explode outward.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, We actually started cooking for the long-term volunteers last Friday, since we didn't have any leftovers available. Normally on the weekends, volunteers who stay on site grab leftovers from the previous week. Since we were reopening the project after a month away, the cupboard was pretty bare!


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